When you really think about it, our stories aren’t so different from one another’s. We may have differing backgrounds but we all have a family. We may have grown up in different communities but we have all experienced the joys and sorrows of childhood. We have traveled different roads but each one led to a confrontation at the cross of Christ.
Like many of you I’m a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, teammate, volunteer, and on it goes. I was married for 17 years then divorced. I am happily remarried (since 2008) to my best friend, who also happened to have been my friend in high school and college. He’s a great guinea pig and cheerleader!
I’ve been cheated on, lied to, hurt, emotionally bankrupt, and financially devastated. I’ve failed, judged, self-medicated, cried and fallen-short. I’ve also succeeded, shown compassion, been prudent, healed, faithfully restored, danced in the rain, rejoiced, loved again and embraced God’s brilliant plan for my life. Such is the joy-filled, victorious life anchored in the Word of God.
Somewhere in the middle of all of that I became an Ordained Minister and obtained certifications in Step-family Coaching, Life Coaching, as SYMBIS (Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts) facilitator, and as a Biblical Counselor in Women’s Issues through the American Association of Christian Counselors. I’m thinking of pursuing a Master’s in Pastoral Counseling but that might be a bit too much. I have authored several books, and, along with the best group of “heart-sisters” a woman could ask for, launched Surrendered Women Conferences where women from across the nation gather to worship together, be transformed in the presence of the Lord and learn how to live overcoming lives through the practical application of biblical truth
I am the biological mom of an amazingly gifted, intelligent and beautiful young lady. When my husband and I married, I was blessed with two additional remarkable daughters and a wonderful son; all of whom have enriched my life in ways too numerous to list.
Most importantly, I am a beloved, redeemed daughter of the Most High God, His treasured possession and the delight of His heart. I didn’t always know this but I do now and it has ravaged my heart and revolutionized my life. The truth has made me free … and the truth is you too are His beloved daughter! What a great privilege to be celebrated far above anything we could imagine. I love living this kind of life!