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Why I Started Stepmom Sanity: It’s All For You

If you've heard a bit about me, then you know when I became a stepmom I looked for stepmom resources and found very little. What I did find was helpful, but I wanted more than a book. I wanted a tribe. The people who could comfort me with the same comfort they had received (2 Corinthians 1:3-4). A group of chicks like me, navigating stepfamily life, who would get me. I wanted you. But I couldn’t find you. So the Lord impressed upon me one morning, in not so many words, “If you build it they will come.” Not really. What I heard in my heart was, “Cheryl, I want you to help stepmoms.”

So here we are. There were a few other reasons too:


I like to think I’m reasonably intelligent and have a bit of common sense. My EQ is tuned in. At the very least I’m smart enough to know there’s a lot I don’t know. “Stepmoming” was something I didn’t know. As the children age, enter new stages, get married, have children, etc. there will be more I don’t know. I will need to adjust and learn how to relate to them in new ways. We don’t always know how to do this. Much like with our biological children. Why do we more readily accept our imperfections with our bios but feel as if it’s a cardinal sin with our steps? Duh! What mom knows what she’s doing at all times?! We need help. As we build community we will naturally learn from each other and grow in wisdom.


One of the prayers I pray consistently is, “Father, make me a safe place for the people you send my way remembering these are people You love, and for whom You sent Christ to die. Help me to move out of

In my opinion, the worst thing that can happen to us in a friendship is to unload deep hurts, unspoken desires, or unsavory thoughts, only to have them dismissed, used as a weapon, judged, or misunderstood. We need a place where it’s okay to be real. One of our core values at Stepmom Sanity is be a judgement free zone. So feel free to take off the masks.


The Bible tells us two are better than one

because if one falls the other can help them up (Ecclesiastes 3:9-12). There is not one

Good reasons all. But the God reason for Stepmom Sanity is His reason for everything He does: Y.O.U. He loves you. You are the reason He died. You are the one He came to rescue. You are the one He has redeemed. You are the one He has anointed to mother all your children. And Stepmom Sanity is all for you!

Invite your stepmom sisters to like our Facebook page and sign up to receive encouragement on their journey too.

And if you haven’t already, download our free 25 Stepmom Truths pdf.

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